Frankfurt Diary

Frankfurt Diary, bits and bytes of cultural life... from 2002 on



Lola Montez is a place with a big intellectual potential. They even had a "bookstore" during the bookfair, where I took a volume called "Ehe Liebe Sexualprobleme" by a certain Kaplan Fahsel, catholic priest.



Installation Egoland von Lisa Jugert bei Dont Miss. Oktober 2002


Poster 10 Jahre The Thing

Poster 10 Jahre The Thing in Frankfurt. Oktober 2002

Poster 10 Jahre The Thing in Frankfurt, 12.10. 2002

Terminal_Büro. Präsentations. und Infoabend

PSSSST: Schonmal geschaut, was 2008 los was?

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Beachte auch die Tags: Artspace - Offspaces - Bahnhofsviertel - Kunst